Why Is Montgomery County Giving Taxpayer Money to a “Micro-Lender” Requiring No Credit Score, No Employment, No Address, No Immigration Status from Its Borrowers


In yet another blow to fiscal stewardship of the taxpayer dollar in Montgomery County, data from the MoCo “Checkbook” in 2023 reveals that Montgomery County’s “Economic Development Fund” gave a nonprofit corporation called Life Asset Inc. a $50,000 check in May, 2023.  See our screen shot below:

Life Asset Inc. says it is a “nonprofit organization” that supports a broad range of entrepreneurs “who have had difficulty getting a loan through traditional means.”  With credit / interest rates being insanely (and artificially) cheap and abundant these past few years, post-covid pandemic, who exactly is Life Asset Inc targeting with this message?

Below is a direct screenshot from Life Asset’s website:

So… it appears that Life Asset Inc provides “micro-loans” to individuals with no credit score, no employment, no fixed address, no immigration status – and no collateral needed.  Is this basically strings-free “UBI” by just a different name?  Did CM Will Jawando think up this “business model”?

It appears you don’t even need a business plan to apply for a “micro-loan”:

Life Asset Inc. says on its website that is was founded in 2011, and that its micro-lending program was “developed in direct response to the unmet need for financial services for low-income individuals. Since then, we have remained committed to providing microloans and training to low-income entrepreneurs who are overlooked by traditional lenders and financial institutions.”

Sure reads well.  And giving people a hands up is very commendable, especially in high-cost MoCo, where things are artificially increased because of the politicians’ choices.  Life Asset Inc may well be a worthy nonprofit corporation for individuals to voluntarily donate their money or time to.

But that is the key word.  Voluntary.  Taxpayer dollars ($50,000 in this case, more in the case of Jawando’s so-called UBI trial program) shouldn’t be granted to a “lender” that lends money with such non-existent requirements on borrowers.  That is madness.  If you came in front of the MoCo Council or the MoCo Economic Development Corporation and asked for $50,000 with no business plan, revenues, address, employees or even collateral… what would these people say to you?  What would any bank say to such a request?

MoCo taxpayers deserve to have each zinc penny accounted for — not flushed through something like this.

More to come.

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