
CleanSlateMoCo is a non-partisan website. We do not care what the letter behind your name is. Here are some of the things we do care about:

  1. That your life in Montgomery County is one in which public servants actually serve you. That they enable you to make your life better.
  2. That differences in our community should exist and that when your voice is different it deserves to be equally heard and represented.
  3. That people should always come before politics.
  4. That our community belongs to us, not to elected officials, institutions or political platforms.

We intend to point out and reveal when these values are being threatened or discarded in Montgomery County. And more than anything, we welcome your contributions and voice. You do not have to agree with everything that is on this site, in fact, we probably don’t, but we believe that people can unite on the values above, and that by doing so we will be the rich, vibrant, and inclusive community we all deserve.

CleanSlateMoCo does not collect funding or donations. And is not supported or funded by any organization.

Writing on CleanSlateMoCo

If you are interested in writing on CleanSlate, please use our contact form or shoot us an email at inquiry@cleanslatemoco.com.

There are no length requirements, but we ask for your content to include your own original thoughts or viewpoints. We will also prioritize content that is directly related to the inadequacy, failures, or shortcomings of local officials and institutions in delivering progress for MoCo. You can view our content policy here.

We are willing to publish your content anonymously.

CleanSlateMoCo reserves the right to publish content as we see fit.

Major Contributing Authors

  • Clean Slate MoCo (194)
  • Greg Visscher (171)
  • Michael Bell (122)
  • Mark Lautman (16)