Watch MoCo CM Laurie-Anne Sayles Give an “Enlightening Discussion” in 1 Min, 33 Seconds on “the Significance of Black Americans”


How much is being spent on these County Council “productions” / PSAs?  And are they truly needed in the year 2024?  What is the value of something like this, other then to ensure a CM gets their “90 seconds” in front of a camera and then can make shallow pop culture references?  This is a very lazy, shallow take by the County Council that at least (sometimes) attempts to bring up true community history in various forms and formats.

Go ahead and watch the clip below (on the official MoCo, MD YouTube Channel) featuring CM Laurie-Anne Sayles giving us a one minute, 33 second “insight on the significance of Black Americans and their profound influence on various aspects of our society.” Word salad, much?

She then goes on to falsely claim that Chadwick Boseman, who played Marvel’s Black Panther to great effect, is an “inspiration” because he was “a superhero, something we’ve never seen on the big screen before, for the Black community, for our young Black boys.” Uhhhh, Wesley Snipes?  1998? Blade?

CM Sayles then goes on to say “these are some of the greatest moments we’ve been able to capture on screen” in describing Boseman’s work as Jackie Robinson in a bio pic.  No.  Politely disagree.  Solid movie.  Not “one of the greatest moments we’ve been able to capture on screen.”  No movie critic would agree.

Regarding the CM’s “commemoration of African Americans and the Arts” in her “Sayles Sentinel” County e-newsletter blast… she spends about a paragraph talking about Bob Marley (who wasn’t American but did live in Delaware for a time with his mom) and various Hollywood actors before turning to local topics:

There are dozens of Black Americans from this area, or living in Montgomery County right now, to spotlight over some wealthy Hollywood actors.  The County itself has a rich Black American history that has nothing to do with Hollywood.  If thousands in taxpayer dollars are going to be spent on random PSAs and Councilmember camera spots, can they at least be semi-informative? And focused on the MoCo community, not Hollywood?

More to come.

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