The New Needy in MoCo


Today, CE Elrich and a handful of Council Members held an event touting the new MC Groceries Program.  The program seeks to provide families (noted you do not have to be a legal resident; you only have to reside in MoCo) access to shelf stable food via a partnership with Instacart.

We applaud, especially during the time of true economic downturn and rising prices in MoCo, efforts to provide families additional support.  The most effective way to do this of course would be to restart the economic engine of MoCo, a county long dependent on federal jobs, that attempts to close its economic disparity with federal and county programs and spending.

In looking at the program we were shocked however to see the eligibility requirements.  To qualify as a family of 4 you have to make less than $124,000 a year.  This is absolutely mind blowing.  We are now needing to supplement families that are make $123,000 a year with $400 dollars in grocery credits.  What has happened?!

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