We finally have something of a detailed evaluation, by a left-leaning think tank called the Urban Institute, of MoCo’s “Boost” Guaranteed Income Pilot program. Recall that MoCo’s “Boost” Guaranteed Income Pilot is a so-called “Universal Basic Income” (UBI) pilot program rushed into existence by the County Council back in 2021. The County was flush with…
In Part 2 of this series we pointed out that the socialists in MoCo have brought us to a situation in which a $1.3 million severance pay is given to a disgraced school superintendent while the poor are threatened with cuts in bus service. In this installment we prescribe a few remarkably easy ways to…
In Part 1 of this series we used the example of free COVID tests to show how our county’s budget favors, quite frequently, the rich at the expense of the poor. In this installment we show how our our heartless school district and teachers’ union leave our most vulnerable residents shivering in the cold. The…
Back when Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich was on the County Council (he’s been in public office for 35+ years in this county), he infamously made an invite to the Venezuelan ambassador (some Hugo Chavez crony) to visit Maryland and “potentially fund social programs”. After all, what socialist utopia can be formed in MoCo, MD…
A thorough review of Montgomery County Councilmember Kristin Mink’s staff shows she has surrounded herself, in this elected office, with local activists, socialists and a “BDS” supporter who has drawn the scrutiny of canarymission.org for prior campus protests. According to the contact us page on the Councilmember’s county government web portal, the following individuals constitute her…
This excellent article by Ellie Krasne-Cohen for the Daily Signal (yes, full disclosure a conservative-leaning publication) highlights the high taxes, “social charges”, and fines that underpin the French “socialist model” and “free stuff by government” society. “An oft-repeated phrase among those favoring taxpayer-funded health care, day care, and pensions is that such programs are “free.” However,…
We’ve covered in prior parts of this series the ‘seeds’ of Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich’s ideological bent. Starting with “labor activism” in college but then graduating to full-bore “democratic socialism” incoherence and Hugo Chavez-era Venezuelan socialism pandering, Mr. Elrich doesn’t care much for private property rights, particularly the private property rights of those whom…