One of the leading concepts promoted by the woke left is opportunity hoarding. Opportunity hoarding is whenprivileged social groups control access to community resources and prevent underprivileged groups from utilizing important resources. Lynne Harris, Laura Stewart and Natalie Zimmerman are all white women running against women of color. Harris is running against Rita Montoya, Stewart…
Back in April, 2023, the local NBC4 / Washington DC affiliate published an I-Team exclusive on the state of special education in area county schools. Overall, what the I-Team discovered was that the state of special education in and around Washington, DC was not in a good place for parents, students, or over-worked school staff…
The elephant in the room that has not been discussed this Board of Education election season is MCPS upcoming mega boundary study. Starting in January MCPS will begin a boundary study which includes 19 high schools and 31 middle schools. This represents 2/3’s of the County’s high schools and their feeder middle schools. This is,…
The board game Game of Life as we know it today was originally published in 1960. My edition at home is from the year ca. 2000, and it certainly shows its age in terms of social norms. Nevertheless, there is one square that is as germane today as it was in 1960: Run for Mayor,…
On September 19th at 7pm, the Montgomery County Tax League (MCTL) will be hosting a virtual forum for candidates of the Board of Education (register here). Teaming up with MCTL are several co-sponsors: 480 Club, Gaithersburg/Germantown Chamber of Commerce, Moderately MoCo, Parents Coalition of Montgomery County, and CleanSlate MoCo. I volunteered to represent and ask…
In a video clip appearing on Montgomery County Media, incoming president of the Montgomery County Education Association (teachers’ union) David Stein delineated his responsibilities. I need to be the public face of the union…I need to be the person who is talking to MCPS, overseeing our bargaining processes, talking to our members, supervising the staff…
I’ve written at least nine posts about the need for school vouchers, and I’m convinced that at some point they will become a reality—even in progressive Montgomery County where Superintendent Monifa McKnight and teachers’ union president Judith Martin very likely turned MCPS into a safe space for sexual predators. For our newer readers, here’s a…
Independence requires courage, conviction, and a clear vision. In a letter to his wife on July 3, 1776, John Adams wrote: “Through all the gloom, I can see the rays of light and glory; I can see that the end is more than worth all the means, and that posterity will triumph.” Just as our…
Rarely do I get cranky when writing a post for Clean Slate MoCo. Folks, there is a limit to how emotionally invested you can get about zoning and the liquor monopoly. Reading White Oak School First to Pilot Brilliant Futures Savings Program for Kindergartners, though, made me extremely upset. The article describes the inauguration of…
My wife recently overheard another woman talking into a cell phone in a restroom. “If your mother gives us $50, and if we don’t put our little Cyrus in day care this week, then we’ll be able to pay the phone and electric bills.” This is heartbreaking. While some DC power couples grossing $500,000/year also…