Council Members Mink and Jawando are pushing hard to get rent control passed in Montgomery County. CM Stewart is on board, because she really believes that rent control gives renters a “predictable housing,” an outcome that didn’t happen in Takoma Park. It’s hard to know what the final version will look like, but one thing…
In 2021 there was a terrible collapse of a condominium building in Surfside, Florida. The subsequent investigation revealed that as far back as 2018 an engineer had warned of cracking in the pool deck which could result in a catastrophic structural failure. The condo association did not take any corrective action until April 2021, when…
MoCo reformers (Democrat, Independent, and Republican alike) often bemoan the conflation of national politics with local electoral races. Last year the Republicans fielded their best candidate in a generation for county executive, Reardon Sullivan, and he came up short by quite a margin. Hard line Democrats in this county, and even more so the progressives,…
The following is an interview conducted by Mark Lautman of Chris Bruch, CEO of The Donohoe Companies, about proven solutions for providing affordable housing. We appreciate the contribution and willingness of both individuals to share with CleanSlateMoCo. Hope you enjoy! What does Donohoe Companies do? We build, manage, and develop commercial real estate, including hotels,…
The social-justice crowd claims that rent control is the only way to protect defenseless tenants against their oversized landlords. (The previous four posts in this series have shown that the only actor with oversized power in the county’s housing market, and the only actor to blame for the shortage of affordable housing is the county…
This post, part 4 in a series on our county’s distorted housing market. You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here, and Part 3 here. At the time of this writing, the powerful and controlling County Council is considering two rent-control measures that, in the words of the less powerful but equally controlling County Executive Marc…
Social media has been flooded with pictures of a packed county council room with supporters holding signs and giving testimony. The perception is that there is a wide and inclusive foundation of support for the HOME Act. But is that really the case? Let’s take a closer look at who sent the participants and what…
During the Obama and Trump administrations, the federal government inflated the currency, but you blame the landlords for rent increases. Prices of food are going up, but you put price controls only on the landlords. Prices of insurance are going up, but you put price controls only on the landlords. Prices of fuel are going…
This post, part 3 in a series on our county’s distorted housing market, is mostly descriptive of the county’s land use policy and how it contributes to high housing costs. In addition, it also gives a chance for readers to reflect on how zoning affects them You can read Part 1 here and Part…
This is Part 2 in a series on our county’s distorted housing market. You can read Part 1 here. When it comes to housing policy in Montgomery County (and probably other jurisdictions), the activists and policymakers ignore science and gravitate to unfounded generalizations that justify a policy they want to implement. Some County Council members…