Montgomery County’s Friends of the Library (FOLMC) seems to think $50-$75 in additional tabling fees are “unaffordable” for “BIPOC” vendors at its upcoming “MoComCon” convention in Germantown, MD. First brought to our attention by this piece at The Washington Times entitled “White vendors pay more: MoCo libraries use race-based pricing for comic book convention”, the…
There is no way MCPS can guarantee an equitable, safe, and success-oriented environment for all its students—some yes, not all.
A lot of CleanSlate supporters bemoan the progressives’ coercion, hypocrisy, and anger. In conversations with them, I always effuse optimism, saying the progressives’ bigotry will flame out, and America’s great, tolerant, centrist majority will prevail. I’m not optimistic today. Last June, Council Member Evan Glass sponsored a resolution to establish an anti-hate task force. We’ll…
We received permission to publish the following letter sent to Councilwoman Stewart. As of 7/30/23 a response has not been received. The letter provides an argument and supporting evidence for the Council to remove current BOE member Lynne Harris. 7/24/2023 Good evening, Councilwoman Stewart: Thank you for speaking with me several nights ago at the…
If you look up ‘religion’ on Wikipedia, the quick definition you get is (emphasis ours): Religion is usually defined as a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that generally relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, and spiritual elements; however, there is no scholarly consensus over…
The rushed-through Federal Omnibus “Budget” Appropriation for federal fiscal year 2023 survived amendment votes in the United States Senate and is now headed to the United States House of Representatives. It will likely pass in current form, barring something unforeseen. The bill directs $1.7 trillion in spending for the fiscal year ending in September 2023…
Montgomery County comes across as a progressive jurisdiction that promotes equality of opportunity and access to all its residents. To some extent that is true: all of our elected leaders and their constituents place racial and gender equality as a primary objective, and for that we should be very proud. However, when it comes to…