Segregation Returns to MCPS


From 1872 to 1958, Montgomery County had a segregated school system.   Segregation based only on one’s race.  Unfortunately, and sadly ironically, under the guise of diversity and inclusion efforts, it has returned in 2022.  The image below is simply shocking.  Did you ever expect to see in the hallways of an MCPS school a sign directing certain races to certain rooms?  The organizers would counter and say, “this is about providing a safe space for people of the same race to feel comfortable to share their opinions?”  Is that where we are in 2022?  That the school system is actively sponsoring and pushing the belief that you can only feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and opinions with people that share the same race as you?  Have we reached a level of peak racism where MCPS believes that all people of a certain race share a certain idea or thought?  This is disgraceful.  There were many other ways to organize this forum that do not perpetuate racial segregation and support a narrative that is destructive to a community.

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