During the Obama and Trump administrations, the federal government inflated the currency, but you blame the landlords for rent increases.
Prices of food are going up, but you put price controls only on the landlords.
Prices of insurance are going up, but you put price controls only on the landlords.
Prices of fuel are going up, but you put price controls only on the landlords.
Property taxes are going up (to pay for Craig Rice’s white privilege), but you put price controls only on the landlords.
Cost of the pampered school system is going up, but you put price control only on the landlords.
Because of rent control, apartment buildings will convert to condo, and you’ll blame the landlords.
Because of rent control, the inventory of affordable rentals will disappear, and you’ll blame the landlords.
Because of rent control, the remaining few rentals will suffer from lack of maintenance, and you’ll blame the landlords.
That’s called prejudice.
Will Jawando and Kristin Mink are pushing rent control that is all of the above, and that’s legislating prejudice against the county’s landlords.
Condoleezza Rice is one of the most accomplished and inspiring Americans alive today. In an interview, she related what her parents told her: if someone is prejudice, that’s their problem, that’s not your problem.
But when people who use prejudice are in positions of power, that’s everyone’s problem.