CASA is a self-bolstering system that has no purpose other than to sustain itself
Montgomery County is engaged in egregious political cronyism with the “non-profit”, CASA. This is an established fact and one we will not stop exposing. And kudos to Adam Pagnucco at for diving even deeper into the issue today (though he dare not type the word “cronyism” about the County Council or Marc Elrich). What is…
Despite public statements, Montgomery County council members refuse to give up the CASA endorsement
The people of MoCo would be much more unified and probably much less ill-tempered with one another if they saw actual progress via accountable schools, new roads, more bridges and trains, and policy that promotes a lower cost of living – not a high tax, high inflation one.
Welcome to MoCo transparency, where if you shine a light, they make it much darker.
There is no way MCPS can guarantee an equitable, safe, and success-oriented environment for all its students—some yes, not all.
Over the past 20 years there has been about a 40% decline in MCPS’ white student population.
Where are CM Evan Glass and Congressman Raskin and all the democracy acolytes on the County Council on the recent election fraud revelations that shook the Connecticut political world this past week?
Economic reality in Montgomery County keeps biting, keeps asking for a clean slate of policies. Unfortunately for MoCo and its taxpayers, County Executive Marc Elrich is a 37 year politician incapable of changing course.