Kagan’s Quality of Intent Sucks


The infamous Senator Kagan has once again demonstrated the type of decision making and logic that calls into question her public service.

Sen Kagan recently took to twitter to highlight a sit down with Officer Jayme Debryshire, a Montgomery County Police Drug Recognition Expert.  Kagan highlighted that the recent legalization of cannabis in MD will cause a spike in serious crashes and fatalities.  This wasn’t a question she had; it was a statement.  Kagan knows (and rightly so) that legalization will lead to more use and more use will lead to more DUIs and more DUIs will lead to more fatalities and injuries.

In a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

Found that more than half the people injured or killed in traffic crashes has one or more drugs, or alcohol, in their bloodstreams.

Just over 54% of injured drivers had drugs or alcohol in their systems, with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), an active ingredient in marijuana, the most prevalent, followed by alcohol.

Of the total number of patients, 25.1% tested positive for THC, 23.1% for alcohol, 10.8% for stimulants and 9.3% for opioids, according to the study.

Cheryl has tweeted several other times about roadway safety when it comes to cannabis.

And yet…..

Cheryl voted to expand the legalization of cannabis in MD, proudly voting “yes” for SB0516.

You have to wonder why?  Was the 9% sales and use tax just too tasty?  Or was she unwilling to go against the opinion of her colleagues?

You would think given her stance on the risk to road safety she would have demonstrated her integrity by offering and fighting for amendments to strengthen the law enforcement oversight and surveillance or the punishment of DUI of cannabis.  Ummmm.  No.  She didn’t.

In fact, when faced with another piece of legislation that banned the use of odor as a reason for search during a traffic stop, she voted yes again.  This time claiming that racial reasons were causing her to deprioritize safety of innocent people on the road.  She justified this by saying she was “being guided” by Thurgood Marshall, who has a well-recognized quoted of:

What is the quality of your intent?

Well Sen Kagan, the quality of your intent sucks.  Your intent ignores the risks to the public that you yourself recognize.  Your intent classifies people of color as cannabis users.  Your intent shows your active bias against police officers acting ethically.  Your intent thinks the public cannot see hypocrisy.

Your intent is focused on yourself.  Your own power.  Your own “feel goods about myself”.  Shameful.


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