Joe Vogel’s Campaign Scam


Only 4 months after taking office as a member of the Maryland House of Delegates, representing District 17, Joe Vogel announced his candidacy for Maryland’s 6th Congressional District.  In the announcement, Joe is quoted as saying:

The idea of waiting 15-20 years — waiting my turn as they say — while all these challenges continue to threaten our very democracy, reverse our rights and make our planet unlivable for future generations, that is just not something I can sit by and watch happen

Clearly Joe is of the belief that experience is not something you gain, but something you are just born with.

In his run for MD House of Delegates, Joe prided himself on being a “grassroots” representative, working directly with the people he would represent to create a “movement”.  This was a well cultivated illusion.

Through campaign fundraising, Joe raised $125,000 dollars for his House of Delegates race.  This was composed of 1,529 donations.  But where did these donations come from?  Only 28% came from a donor in the state of Maryland.  26% came from those people he would actually represent.

Joe is replicating this fundraising strategy of raising a lot of money from outside individuals while professing he is a grassroots represenative in his race for Congress.

As of 6/30/23, the latest date at which the FEC has campaign disclosure data available for, Joe has raised more money than any candidate (R or D) running for House District 06.  His total raised is $115,949.  The next highest candidate is Mariela Roca (R), having raised $67,711.  The third is Lesley Lopez (D) who has raised $51,051.  Let dive into where this money is coming from.

Out of the $115,949 raised, only $6,193 is from the state of MD.  Or  5%.

Compare this to Mariela Roca, where MD represents 26% of donations.

Compare this to Lesley Lopez, where MD represents 32% of her donations.

Going back to Joe.  In looking at his donations from within MD, A Miner Detail, reported that Joe has received less than 10 donations from those individuals actually in 6th Congressional District.

If you live in the 6th Congressional District, heads up on the fraudster headed your way.  He is definitely funded by individuals he will represent; they just don’t happen to live in MD or even in your District.

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