Councilmember Sayles Talks Up Barriers Broken, Ceilings Shattered as an “At-Large” MoCo Politician to Local Girl Scout Troop


Fresh off a disappointing 6th place loss in the Democrat primary for U.S. Congress, House District 6, Councilmember “At Large” Laurie-Anne Sayles is back at her day job representing the whole of MoCo and talking to the youth.  Oh, and defending local democracy.  Including that “democracy” that appoints a select insider to a state senate position with no input from actual voters.  But, we digress…

Per her “Sayles Sentinel” newsletter to constituents

Sayles then went on to explain to the young girls in troop 34278 that in addition to being the “County’s only female At-Large Councilmember” (note – there are six known / established female members on the current 11-member County Council), she is also proudly:

  1. The only left-handed notary public on the entire county council.
  2. The first “At Large” councilmember who identifies as female but also pitches in a co-ed softball league and the only one in council history to have once struck out 5 straight batters.
  3. The only “At Large” councilmember who is a certified scuba instructor.
  4. The first “At Large” councilmember to have shattered the glass ceiling… literally a glass ceiling was shattered when she accidentally threw a softball through one at Council HQ.  Nobody was hurt.
  5. The first councilmember in the history of Montgomery County to break the all-too-familiar and elusive barrier to female politicians in Maryland… CM Sayles, yes, pays for her own Netflix account.  She doesn’t share access with other family members.

Troop 34278 seemed impressed with this line of accomplishments… however, no follow-up questions were asked.  It was time for lemonade and cookies.

YES THIS POST IS PARODY (though the councilmember’s statement about being the “only female At-Large Councilmember is 100% real) — Stay tuned for the next CleanSlateMoCo Onion edition storyline.

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