CM Mink’s Senior Legislative Aid and Lead for the HHS Committee Appears to Still Be Involved with County Supported Non Profit

Councilmember Kristin Mink’s noted ‘Senior Legislative Aid’ (and lead for the HHS Committee on the County Council) along with her top aid for ‘residential tenant issues & housing code enforcement’ (per CM Mink’s own contact page) appears to still be involved with something called the ‘Montgomery County Racial Network’ (MORE), itself a “coalition of local activists, grassroots organizations, non-profits, and other stakeholders” that is “fiscally sponsored” by IMPACT Silver Spring.

IMPACT Silver Spring is a 501c3 charity that counts the County government, aka the taxpayer, as a sponsor / partner according to its website.  It is difficult to see just how much the County government granted to IMPACT, but IMPACT claims over 98% public (general and government) support on its Form 990 filing from 2020.

CM Mink announced her staff back in December in a Twitter post (see image captures below, left).  It was here she announced Ana Martinez would be on her staff.  A screen shot of CM Mink’s current staff public contact info is to the right.

Ana Martinez was featured by MORE in a Facebook post in December, 2021 extolling the benefits of working for the organization.  Screen capture is below.

It could just be an old donation page that needs to be taken down, but this link implies it is still active.  Screenshots are below and were taken this March, 2023.  Is Ana Martinez still working at MORE as well?

In addition, Martinez’s LinkedIn reads (screen captured March, 2023):

Again, this could all be a case of not updating a few prior employers on LinkedIn or on a past donation site.  And hopefully, that is all this is as it would seem like a direct conflict of interest to have the Councilmember’s Senior Legislative Aid actively working for or fundraising for a County-backed / granted non-profit company.

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