Happy New Year! Did you dance the night away to some live music? We are headed face first into 2023. The United States Congress is in a flux. New people are getting sworn into office in Annapolis, Maryland. And music venue cronyism is alive and well in Montgomery County, MD! Let’s start with the Live…
‘Tis the season. Appropriations season in Congress, once again. “Negotiators” (primarily two retiring US Senators) announced a framework / “agreement” on $1.7 trillion in appropriations that would direct federal government department spending and the grants/projects they “seed” through its fiscal year (ending September 30th, 2023). The agreement is over two months into the current federal…
Montgomery County comes across as a progressive jurisdiction that promotes equality of opportunity and access to all its residents. To some extent that is true: all of our elected leaders and their constituents place racial and gender equality as a primary objective, and for that we should be very proud. However, when it comes to…
After a swearing in, glamorous after party, and multiple photo shots, it appears reality has not yet set in for Kristin Mink. Elected on a wave of enthusiasm around her activism, starting with her rise to fame for interrupting the dinner of a federal official with a cell phone in her hand, Kristin has clearly…
After 12 years, Montgomery County Councilmember Nancy Navarro (Democrat, District 4) is stepping down. Well, not voluntarily. In 2016, Montgomery County residents emphatically (69%) passed a ballot initiative that amended the Montgomery County Charter. Term Limits! No more dynastic, 24-year council “reigns” on a council body by career politicians. Hence forth, they’d be “limited” to…