MoCo reformers (Democrat, Independent, and Republican alike) often bemoan the conflation of national politics with local electoral races. Last year the Republicans fielded their best candidate in a generation for county executive, Reardon Sullivan, and he came up short by quite a margin. Hard line Democrats in this county, and even more so the progressives,…
Since many are not able to attend the MCPS Board Meetings given when they are held, and since even less will search through BoardDocs to find the meeting agendas with submitted testimony, we are sharing one very especially powerful testimony by Hisham Garti, the director for the Montgomery County Muslim Council. In this testimony he…
Council Member Mink associated middle schoolers with white supremacists and bigots. That was very hurtful. After all, not all supremacists are white. Bigots and white supremacists routinely use, albeit with declining efficacy, voting rights violations to block out people not like them from winning elections. As noted in a previous post, the entire Board of…
No, Council Member Mink didn’t say these Moslem children are “just like bigots.” Nevertheless, would you want to send your children to a school where one of the top administrators says they are on the same side as bigots? I’m not part of the thought police crowd, and to me it’s a reasonable proposition to…
On May 25th, at a school board meeting, a high school Muslim student testified on her desire to opt-out of the LGTBQ curriculum being required by MCPS. As covered by MoC0 360, school board member Lynne Harris expressed feeling “kind of sorry” for the girl and wondering if she had just been “parroting dogma”. The…
The current controversy surrounding Montgomery County Public Schools has made national media. If you have been living in the cave over the last couple days, the activists within MCPS, the BOE, and community have been organizing to counter and smear a large and growing objection to not permitting parents from opting out of curriculum or…
Interesting times afoot in Montgomery County, Maryland – which now finds itself back in the national news as controversy rages over parental rights, religious freedom and the ability of families to opt-out of certain MCPS (public school system) curriculums and readings to children as young as five. The tension mirrors what went on across the…
Back in March we highlighted current Councilmember Evan Glass’s former employer / non-profit, Gandhi Brigade Youth Media or GB Youth Media. The organization gets thousands in public money each year. In fact, it got a pretty sweet deal back in March 2018, as Mr. Glass was navigating his way through primaries and running for County…
There are a three commonplace events that make me pause and feel how fortunate I am to be an American. One of them is when buying paper towels and toilet paper from Costco. It’s difficult to find a more effective combination of mass production, mass consumption, voluntary exchange, impeccable quality control, and a large corporation…