Montgomery County Councilmember and current U.S. Senate candidate Will Jawando has made dubious, thoroughly misleading claims about his ancestral history in the past, whether through speeches at official county government African-American history events or via his office’s official e-mails to constituents. We’ve documented several of these instances at, using the Councilmember’s own words and…
Council Members Mink and Jawando are pushing hard to get rent control passed in Montgomery County. CM Stewart is on board, because she really believes that rent control gives renters a “predictable housing,” an outcome that didn’t happen in Takoma Park. It’s hard to know what the final version will look like, but one thing…
When I think of MoCo’s small, home-grown businesses, the first one that comes to my mind (and should come to yours) is Carmen’s Italian Ice. And when I think of Carmen’s, the first flavor that comes to my mind (and should come to yours) is Chocolate Rum Cake. Mercifully, Carmen’s has only two locations (Rockville…
In March of 2021 current Council Member Dawn Luedtke was nominated and elected to the Olney Theater Center Board of Directors. And though as of 2023 she is no longer part of the Board of Directors, while campaigning for the County Council, Dawn highlighted the Olney Theater on her campaign website. And her bio on…
As we previously posted, the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) pretty much always gets what it wants from Montgomery County Council politicians, particularly when it asks for approval on water/sewer rate hikes for the upcoming fiscal year. These rate hikes hit your wallet and mine and increase the cost of living for each and every resident…
CleanSlateMoCo is conducting interviews of local community members. These are people that though they do not hold office, are important voices in Montgomery County. They represent the fabric of the county; individuals that might have had a unique experience, or maybe are involved in a unique activity, or maybe are just normal folks trying to…
“We’re ranked 100th!” Last month we showed how local Montgomery County politicians love to selectively crow about and promote “best list rankings” from select news sources when these news “orgs” pump up a certain city or area in MoCo. Back then, it was the unincorporated area of Silver Spring, which Fortune Magazine claimed was #3…
You’re a Clarksburg parent of two young children. You spend your first 20-minute commute dropping them off at Snowden Farm Elementary School, and now you start your next 60-minute commute into Tyson’s Corner (total 80 minutes). After a day of “work” (in the DC sense of the word), you start your 75-minute commute back to…
In a previous post we explored the possibility that Council Member Kristin Mink’s campaign took almost $9,000 from the public election fund beyond what it was allowed. In this post we explore the possibility that CM Kate Stewart took about $7,500 in the same manner. Recall that MoCo contributes up to $125,000 of matching funds…
Economic storm clouds are gathering for the nation’s economy, and Montgomery County will not be immune to an economic recession. The combination of high debt burdens (consumer, corporate, and government), still too-high inflation, high energy costs and higher interest rates are slowing economic growth to a trickle, and potentially feeding a cycle of yet more…