In Part 1 of this series we described the nature of deed restrictions, and in Part 2 we described some of the immediate impacts of unilaterally removing those restrictions. In this post we discuss the conditions leading to HB1300 came to be, and who is responsible for those conditions. Recall that HB1300 voids restrictions appearing…
MoCo government has contracted with something called “MGT Consulting Group” (a vendor it has used before) to search for racism and “gender discrimination” in markets the County is in and with sub-contractors the county government uses. This same contractor has secured the same “Disparity Study” service with neighboring Frederick County, MD, as well. It is…
We have written extensively about CASA in the past and how it hoovers up large amounts of Maryland taxpayer money. The self-acclaimed “foremost immigrant organization in the mid-Atlantic region and a national leader in supporting immigrant families” is also very politically active in MoCo, and due to this activism it ran into a public relations nightmare…
Fresh off the New Hampshire Avenue, Takoma Park street takeover on February 10th, Montgomery County Exec Marc Elrich has invited the county to celebrate the next “street takeover” with his “MoCo Riderzz”. Details were still forthcoming about where and when the street takeover would occur, but the County Exec promised he’d “put that notice out…
In Part 1 of this series we described the background and potential extent of HB1300 and its intent to void restrictions on multi-family housing. In this part we’ll describe some implications of this legislation, one of which was articulated by a resident of Olney to an Annapolis delegate (redacted). “I am writing this note to…
A deed is a set of conditions that are part of a sale of real estate. The buyer undertakes to uphold the deed’s restrictions, covenants, and agreements. As the property moves from owner to owner, the conditions of the deed survive. The purpose of some deed restrictions is to provide predictability to buyers of the…
The following was shared by a High School Parent reader. This is the MCPS school climate survey to high school parents. Priorities are noted. Of the 29 questions, here is the percent in each subject area: Academics: 10% Social Environment: 21% Safety: 3% Equity and Inclusion: 35% Communication: 31% Academic Environment: 3 questions School Safety:…
See any good “B-movies” lately? Generally low-budget, campy movies that don’t have great scripts or good acting paired with it. Often times they are “horror” flicks, or “horror comedies”. Sometimes they are almost like long-winded soap operas that go on for 90 minutes or more. Producing any movie is a financial risk. B-movie producers are…
Physicists have known something interesting for quite some time: applying a force on an object moves that object, and applying more force on that object moves that object even more. Through an often painful political maturation, I came to a similar conclusion in matters of public policy. If you have a policy that produces poor…
Did you get an invite or an e-vite? There is a party going down in the Governor of Maryland’s skybox luxury suite at M&T Bank Stadium (home of the taxpayer-funded Baltimore Ravens) this Sunday. Oh. Errrr, sorry, it was a few Sundays ago. Too soon, Ravens fans? Well, at least CM Kristin Mink’s husband now…