Always follow the money and the influencers. Oh, and the 501c3s, c4s, etc. The City of Takoma Park’s influence on MoCo government policy has been covered here before but a quick review of the 501c3 non-profit Old Takoma Business Association’s (OTBA) website provides more visual examples of what this tiny town (population 17,500) does with…
Fresh news from Rockville, MD as the Committee for Better Government delivered 12,139 signatures to the County Executive’s office so that a question can be placed on the November, 2024 ballot to limit the number of consecutive four-year terms that the Montgomery County Executive may hold. The group remarked that this is the first of…
Squarely in the pocket of MCEA, Rita Montoya took to X today to showcase her support for MCEA protests and educate the general public on budget cuts. In a somewhat snarky, and very self-assured manner, she provided a citizen the dictionary definition of a budget cut. When MCPS & BOE decide to allocate less funding…
Dawson’s Market, a higher-priced grocer (actually the only grocery store) in Rockville Town Square is departing, after threatening the same action about six years ago because of quote “declining sales” back in 2019. Per Sebastien Kraft with MoCo360 Media: This isn’t surprising in the least. In fact, it goes to the heart of why government,…
Evan Glass was in a Pride Parade on Rockville Pike that got lost and was stranded in Urbana. Will Jawando fled to Wyoming because no MCPD officer had an extension cord long enough for a defunded motorized scooter to respond to his emergency calls. Kristin Mink was trapped in a never-ending drum circle with her…
Fresh off a disappointing 6th place loss in the Democrat primary for U.S. Congress, House District 6, Councilmember “At Large” Laurie-Anne Sayles is back at her day job representing the whole of MoCo and talking to the youth. Oh, and defending local democracy. Including that “democracy” that appoints a select insider to a state senate…
Given the results of last month’s Board of Education primaries, in which incumbents or union endorsees (and also Brenda Diaz!) won the top spots, some in the opposition have come to the conclusion that getting the best education for our students is no longer possible through MCPS. People are already talking about “school choice” or…
Occupation: A newly crowned (by an “electorate” of 25 or so political club insiders) Maryland State Senator, representing MoCo’s 16th District Affiliations: Maryland Democratic Party. Member, serving on the Environment & Transportation Committee and two of its subcommittees, the Motor Vehicle & Transportation Subcommittee, which Love also chairs, and the Environment Subcommittee. In May of 2022, ahead of the U.S.…
The outcome of the 2024 Democratic BoE primaries gives us a real-world view into how things could have been different under ranked choice voting (RCV). The rules of these BoE elections are extremely manipulative. The two top vote getters in each “district” face off in the general elections. That is nonsense, because everyone votes for…
Some political activists criticize David Trone and his recent Senate primary campaign because he attempted to buy his victory with his own money. That’s a fair complaint. Michael Bloomberg, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tom Steyer, Steve Forbes, and H. Ross Perot are also on the list of wealthy candidates financing their own sometimes successful but more often…