Book Banning is Alive and Well at Montgomery County Public Libraries


Local author, and general thorn in the side of Montgomery County COVID lockdown fanatics, co-authored a book that was published in 2023 titled, “Stolen Youth: How Radicals Are Erasing Innocence and Indoctrinating a Generation”.  If you haven’t purchased a copy yet, you can do so via Amazon, here.  The book summary on Amazon:

The kids are not alright. The left is waging an all-out battle on the American family, particularly the youngest members. If they can make our children miserable, lead them to question every building block of society, and rebuild their entire concept of reality, then the left and their woke indoctrinators will consider that a victory.

But we can’t let them win. As concerned parents and American citizens, we have to understand what’s truly going on before we can do something about it. Stolen Youth provides an urgent deep dive into issues surrounding the current woke indoctrination happening in politics, education, medicine, mental health, entertainment, and culture. These issues may seem subtle, insidious, and hard to make sense of, but armed with the information provided in this book, we now have a framework from which to fight.

While we may simply be trying to parent our children well and create a healthy and happy home environment, this is no longer enough. We must now go on the offense to protect our kids, and this book sheds a bright light on the reason why. We can no longer afford to stay ignorant. Our children’s lives and the survival of our families are at stake.

“A win is a family who is free.”

Stolen Youth outlines how to fight for our children’s freedom—and win.

Bethany was a champion for children across Montgomery County from 2020-2022, often testifying in front of the county council and raising concerns about the impact of the lockdowns and restrictions being placed on families in the name of COVID.  Back then she was called a heretic, but today, as test scores roll in and mental health surveys are completed, her warnings were prophetic.

Regardless of where you stand though on the COVID lockdown spectrum of ‘necessary’ vs ‘abusive’, her book provides a perspective that is different than mainstream MoCo.  Such perspectives would provide the basis for healthy and beneficial debate, and something you would think a county that professes a culture of inclusion and diversity would seek out.

Sadly, that is not the case.

Several readers of CleanSlateMoCo have provided screen shots of responses they received from the Montgomery County Public Library system after requesting the book be added to the collection.

Besides the alarm around denying to stock a book of a local author, what is more perplexing is the language used in the denial.  Montgomery County Public Library cites the reason for denial as the absence of “reviews” from their vendor.  It is not apparent in looking at their Collection Policy who the vendor is or how they are used to determine if a book should be added to the collection.  Is there a certain number of reviews required?  Do the reviews have to meet a certain criteria?

What is strange is that if you look at another book that is counter to the pervasive mindset in the county, Race to the Bottom, there was a similar denial.

This time the denial was because the “reviews” from the vendor were “mixed”.  Does this mean that Montgomery County Libraries only introduces books that have received consensus in reviews?  Is that the purpose of our public library system – to support group think?

Back to Bethany’s book.  Apparently, the book is being accepted into library systems across the country, with Bethany recently tweeting:

So once again we are presented with a situation in MoCo where there is clear hypocrisy.  Local politicians and leaders scream about not banning books, and yet there is a clear effort through the public library system to do just that.  And more alarming, it is around those books that do not align with the culture or political position of the majority in MoCo.  For instance, take a look at CM Will Jawando’s book.  This self-promotion book was written during the height of the pandemic by a liberal heavyweight in MoCo.

We encourage you to reach out to the Montgomery County Public Library system and voice your concern.

You can also request books be added to the library collection by using this link.

It should also be noted that the Montgomery County Public Library system was one of the last public institutions to open to the public post-COVID.

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