In a video clip appearing on Montgomery County Media, incoming president of the Montgomery County Education Association (teachers’ union) David Stein delineated his responsibilities. I need to be the public face of the union…I need to be the person who is talking to MCPS, overseeing our bargaining processes, talking to our members, supervising the staff…
Part 1 of this series summarized a few of the thoughts (out of many) presented by DC affordable-housing developer Patrick McAnaney in his extremely comprehensive series about affordable housing. We learn from McAnaney that zoning has a limited impact on the availability of affordable housing, because other factors are in play that are beyond the…
Today I rejoice, because I was proven wrong by someone with more wisdom and experience than I. Moments like that are as humbling as they are liberating. I’ve written quite a few posts about affordable housing, and my claim has been that the way to achieve an inventory of affordable housing is to re-zone. Throw…
Early child care is a remarkable industry, with entrepreneurs, providers, and customers from every demographic participating in the market. Some pre-K providers offer upscale facilities, others work out of their homes, and others work in their customers’ homes. Churches offer pre-K programs out of a sense of mission or as a way to utilize a…
I’ve written at least nine posts about the need for school vouchers, and I’m convinced that at some point they will become a reality—even in progressive Montgomery County where Superintendent Monifa McKnight and teachers’ union president Judith Martin very likely turned MCPS into a safe space for sexual predators. For our newer readers, here’s a…
What can we say about Colin Powell that hasn’t already been said? The son of immigrants, he grew up in Harlem and the Bronx (that’s 1940s Harlem and 1940s Bronx, not the gentrified areas we know today), and thanks to his inner resolve, became a four-star general and a secretary of state. The same goes…
While awaiting jury duty a few years ago, I was in the Well Being Cafe inside the county’s Executive Office Building. Perusing the news on my tablet, I overheard a conversation between a few people who apparently were high-ranking county or state Democrats. One of them concluded the conversation, “Great! We’ll have A run for…
We often hear about the struggle between progressives and centrists in the Democratic Party. Among MoCo’s Democrats, the progressives demoralize the police force and reward cover-ups of sexual harassment with severance pay. The centrists focus on policies that get resources to those who need it, such as bus service. That’s not a hard and consistent…
It’s hard to believe that a full year has passed since rent control was passed by the County Council at the behest of Will Jawando and Kristin Mink. On July 18, 2023 I published the first snapshot of the county’s rental market. On October 7, 2023, I published a second snapshot. Since then I’ve been…
The outrage over Monifa McKnight’s appointment to a cush job at the University of Maryland centers on qualification: does she really deserve that job after her horrific behavior at MCPS? There’s another aspect of her appointment that needs to be discussed: necessity. Study after study has identified the causes of an American university’s outrageous tuition.…