To the LGBTQIA+ students in the county’s public schools, in the private schools, and everywhere you are— You are just as human as anyone else. You deserve everything that everyone else deserves. You deserve love, opportunity, equity, equality, and above all, respect. You are entitled to the inalienable rights mentioned in this nation’s Declaration of…
Andrew Friedson is by far a more compassionate, thoughtful, and caring member of the County Council than its progressive members, and CM Marilyn Balcombe has earned well deserved credibility as an advocate for a much neglected up-county population. Tragically, when it came to their votes for the 2024 budget, both let us down. Before we…
Of Montgomery County’s approximate 675,000 voters, less than 1% (far less than 1%) are Libertarians. That means pretty much everyone reading this column isn’t familiar with a pro-choice stream of consciousness, so I’ll share with you mine as I take an escalator down to a Metro station. “Why am I paying $7.50 to get to…
In 2021 there was a terrible collapse of a condominium building in Surfside, Florida. The subsequent investigation revealed that as far back as 2018 an engineer had warned of cracking in the pool deck which could result in a catastrophic structural failure. The condo association did not take any corrective action until April 2021, when…
Council Member Kate Stewart recently stated that “any rent increase over 10 percent is known as a constructive eviction. Constructive eviction is a landlord’s effort to remove a tenant through means other than a formal eviction.” This comes from someone who just voted to raise property taxes by 10 percent. That move, presumably, has nothing…
MoCo reformers (Democrat, Independent, and Republican alike) often bemoan the conflation of national politics with local electoral races. Last year the Republicans fielded their best candidate in a generation for county executive, Reardon Sullivan, and he came up short by quite a margin. Hard line Democrats in this county, and even more so the progressives,…
Council Member Mink associated middle schoolers with white supremacists and bigots. That was very hurtful. After all, not all supremacists are white. Bigots and white supremacists routinely use, albeit with declining efficacy, voting rights violations to block out people not like them from winning elections. As noted in a previous post, the entire Board of…
No, Council Member Mink didn’t say these Moslem children are “just like bigots.” Nevertheless, would you want to send your children to a school where one of the top administrators says they are on the same side as bigots? I’m not part of the thought police crowd, and to me it’s a reasonable proposition to…
There are a three commonplace events that make me pause and feel how fortunate I am to be an American. One of them is when buying paper towels and toilet paper from Costco. It’s difficult to find a more effective combination of mass production, mass consumption, voluntary exchange, impeccable quality control, and a large corporation…
Fairfax County’s County executive (actually, chairman of the Board of Supervisors) is Jeffrey McKay. Here are the highlights from his May 31, 2023 newsletter. Fairfax County-resident labor force is the largest it has ever been. Employers are looking to fill over 70,000 jobs in the county. Fairfax County government needs “to keep our foot on…