As early voting continues in MoCo the MCEA union representatives and their endorsed candidates are camping out at popular polling locations handing out the Apple Ballot, strong arming voters to pull the lever for them, and generally creating the perception that they are a consensus choice. At least one candidate has reported that he has…
Bethany Mandel’s campaign for Board of Education has filed a new press release. Attached below.
It is time to dismantle the MCCPTA to school board pipeline! Corruption Stolen money and jail time. $30,000 in the treasurer’s pocket. More corruption More misuse of funds. Inspector general investigating. Laura’s Free State PTA withholding $5,000 from Shriver elementary. DEI committee that got rid of SROs School closures MCCPTA leadership…
Occupation: Maryland State Delegate, representing MoCo’s 20th District Affiliations: Maryland Democratic Party. Former Interim Chief of Staff and senior legislative aide to term-limited CM Nancy Navarro, District 4, Montgomery County Council, 2009-10. Background: A state delegate since 2015, Mr. Moon somehow became statehouse majority leader in 2023. Born in Takoma Park, MD and has seemingly never left…
It starts at the top. The national NEA union lost sight of its job to protect its workers, ie, dues paying members. Its interest is world politics and promoting socialist/communist ideology disguised in cutesy terms like equity, reimagining, dismantling, decolonizing, and social justice. The ideology cascaded down to the state MSEA and local MCEA. Then…
Name: Ben Kramer Occupation: Maryland State Senator, representing MoCo’s 19th District Affiliations: Maryland Democratic Party. Member, Liquor Control Task Force, Montgomery County. Past member, Police Department Citizens Advisory Board, Montgomery County. Background: A one-time state delegate who became a state senator in MD from MoCo back in late 2018, when anti-Donald Trump fervor seemed to sweep the insider political…
As Montgomery County still battles with every increasing inflation, a quick look at the Montgomery County Charter will show you how the Council Members have guaranteed themselves the ability to keep pace with inflation much better than a majority of the county. In Sec. 1A-106. Salaries of the County Executive and Councilmembers it states: This…
In securing the coveted Apple Ballot endorsement, Natalie Zimmerman who is running for BOE District 2, completed a questionnaire where she professed to be an abolitionist educator. While parts of MoCo are probably highly aware of what this language means, we are guessing that the Leisure World mee-maw and the 60 hour a week plumber…
First and foremost, our sincere prayers are with the families of the victims of this event. And not for one second did we ever doubt that our first responders would turn their backs on an emergency. They are like buffalo – they face the storm straight on. However, we are a bit, shall we say…
Today, via its Twitter account, MCEA teased the release of a social media toolkit to support the BOE candidates that it has endorsed. Join the #RedforED #MCEAAppleBallot Blitz tomorrow! A social media toolkit with shareable graphics, captions, and the candidates’ handles is available at — Montgomery County Education Association (@mceanea) March 26, 2024…