Councilmember Evan Glass Sows Hysteria, Promotes Mental Health Resources to “Process the Election Results”


Montgomery County Councilmember Evan Glass, who we’ve profiled repeatedly here, here and here… is back with a “Glass Gazette” post-election day to Montgomery County taxpayers and constituents.  As you might guess, it starts off a wee bit melo-dramatic:


The comment about Mr. Glass’s “top priority” being “ensuring every Montgomery County resident feels safe and protected” is interesting, given that public crime statistics for the county show a prolonged higher level of property and violent crime for MoCo since the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.  Even though crime has come down from the initial spike during 2020’s lockdowns and school closures (all Council-approved or endorsed), it is still at an elevated level, given what was the norm in the county pre-2020.

Also interesting is that the Councilmember signs off with his personal signature at the end of this public comment, which he also posted on / X.

It is pretty clear that CM Glass is positioning himself for a run for MoCo County Exec in the coming President Trump era of national governance, and he is already fashioning himself as a potential “progressive leader” of “le resistance”.

Keep in mind, the current County Executive, Marc Elrich, is now term-limited and unable to run for County Executive for a third consecutive, four-year term.  Thank you ballot Question A!

After this brief intro and signature, here is what CM Evan Glass links to, next, in his “gazette” e-mail:

What on earth is going on?  Was this offer of mental health resources ever made a top “Glass Gazette” spotlight in November 2020?  There were thousands of County residents at that time who were upset, no doubt dismayed at the outcome of a national U.S. Presidential Election and what might happen to them or their livelihoods as well.  Didn’t they deserve the same offer of counsel and local resources?

I dug up his November 2020 “Glass Gazette: e-mail blast to constituents, just to check, if that offer was made back then:


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