“Grab a rake!” Or… be prepared to pay up to your HOA. Councilmember Evan Glass’s awful, dumb, regressive policies strike your wallet, yet again.
Recently, here in Olney, MD (unfortunately unincorporated) my HOA board issued a notice that HOA dues for FY2025 are set to increase some 7%, potentially, after neighborhood comment and a final board vote. If the dues were raised 7%, the increase would out-strip the local inflation rate (year over year). The HOA dues per month depend on whether you live in a townhome or single family home, at least out here.
I added my two cents into the discussion, e-mailing the HOA representative about why I felt a 7% hike was too steep this budget go-round. I asked for it to be tempered or for us to look for cuts elsewhere.
Here is direct evidence from the homeowner’s association management company board rep about why the HOA fee will be hiked, yet again:
There are many factors that goes into this decision which the Board and management factor in.
One prime example is Montgomery County adopted a law requiring all landscape companies to switch over from gas powered leaf blowers to battery powered leaf blowers. These new blowers are twice as expensive, does not last long and require a much longer time to do the job. This is causing large increase in the landscaping cost.
Thank, Evan Glass!
Oh – and I guess the MoCo Department of “Environmental Protection” has increased some stealth fees as well, passed on the HOAs via their garbage collections contracts, and in turn, passed on to us, the end consumer. The same management company (of my HOA) board rep noted that:
The Montgomery County land field has increased its cost. Below is just some of the projected increase that will be passed on by the county.
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) – Recycling and Resource Management
Adjustments in solid waste charges include a 3.1 to six percent increase for single family charges, 4.8 to six percent for multi-family charges and a 0.6 percent increase for non-residential charges. The TE Committee recommends approval of DEP’s Solid Waste Disposal Fund budget, Solid Waste Collection Fund budget and FY25 Solid Waste Charges as transmitted by the County Executive.
So yes, “Gas Leaf Blowers are out” sayeth the local government:
“Invest” or grab a rake… while they continue stepping all over you and your labor to fund some other insane cause that won’t make a dent in “climate change” when 2.2 billion Chinese and Indian nationals decide to use reliable energy sources for consistent power. It is time for more term limits and fully open primaries. Oh, and a clean slate in MoCo.
More to come.