Congressman Jamie Raskin (Democrat) lives in Takoma Park, MD and has now represented congressional district MD-08 (most of MoCo) for several years. The congressman graduated from Harvard Law and still holds a law professor title at his former (main) employer, American University in tony NW, Washington DC. The average household income in American U’s neighborhood? $216,000.
Unlike his predecessor (then-representative Chris Van Hollen, who represented roughly the same district for 14 years / seven terms) Representative Raskin is a much more outspoken and DC-media seeker who looks ferociously for a national spotlight to amplify his message about “MAGA” opponents and former President Donald Trump. The Congressman is constantly looking for a left-leaning media microphone or something comfortable, like an MSNBC studio.
Curiously, the law professor emeritus has ignored repeated requests to go on talk or radio shows to debate other prominent Con-law lawyers who might have a different interpretation of the United States Constitution or current U.S. code.
But that isn’t the focus of this article or what impacts us locally in the Congressman’s district – where his hometown of Takoma Park, MD reigns supreme on (usually) regressive policy impacting one million and more of us. What we’d like to check out is who exactly is donating to Mr. Raskin’s re-election effort from the district – Takoma Park, MD and beyond? Who are the large-money local individual donors seeking to keep Jamie Raskin in office, yet again?
A review of individual donor data, during this campaign cycle (2023-24), from reveals much about who is bankrolling the effort, at least locally. Keep in mind, inflation “hits the FEC” per, so:
The FEC increased the amount an individual can contribute to a candidate to $3,300 per election, up from $2,900. Because the primary and general count as separate elections, individuals may give $6,600 per candidate per cycle.
That’s a lot of scratch – for some people in Raskin’s district, that would be a year’s worth of car note payments. But for the very well-heeled, that’s money to be given to Jamie Raskin to ensure more MSNBC appearances. So who are some of the top donors spending the bucks to “re-elect Raskin”?
Attorney and Takoma Park resident Debra Katz stands out. Again, per the database of donations, she appears to have given the maximum amount to Rep Raskin this cycle (two $3,300 donations per the databank). Katz is best known in DC circles for representing “notable clients include Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault during his confirmation hearings…”
Many more local, MoCo based attorneys make the list of high-dollar individual donors to Representative Raskin:
(Mr. Karron appears to be an adjunct professional lecturer at American University). There are dozens of attorneys from out of the county and based in DC who have donated the max amount to Mr. Raskin as well. The lawyer profession is well-represented with Mr. Raskin.
Interestingly, some local organic farmers make the list of larger individual donors as well:
This would be Nick Maravell, owner of Nick’s Organic Farm in Potomac, MD. The owner was involved in a lengthy, costly dispute with Montgomery County over ten years ago because the County wanted to move on from leasing prime public land (owned by the county public school system) to his farm. Mr. Raskin was likely involved in resolving the dispute between the Potomac farm and County School Board officials.
Also well-represented, locally, among the bigger individual donor names are what some might call “the professorial class” of Montgomery County.
So we see some of the top donors (besides those noting their profession as “retired”) this cycle are County-based lawyers, professors, and organic farmers (in Potomac, MD, using public land). A few self-employed “artists” are smattered in as well.
More to come.