You Pay, They Party (Part 2) – MoCo Delegate Wilkins Enjoys a Fun Time at Preakness (Cost to Taxpayers TBD)


The 149th running of the Preakness Stakes occurred this past Saturday and of course the state’s machine political establishment used the occasion to flaunt their wealth and “status” to the rest of us hoi polloi, as well as the nation.

Per The Baltimore Sun’s coverage of the events surrounding a five-minute horse race, a good time was had by the “anointed few”:

State delegate Jheanelle K Wilkins (Democrat, District 20), who is representing parts of Silver Spring in MoCo, showed up with a fancy hat to mingle and take pictures.  This is the same state delegate who attempted to restrict free speech rights in Maryland this past year, but was thankfully thwarted in the unconstitutional attempt.

Regarding the total cost to taxpayers of all the champagne and catering and security and opulence at the state “tent” at the Preakness, we’ll have to wait for a final tab to be determined (again, per The Baltimore Sun, Sam Janesch reporting):

They party, you pay.  Higher regressive taxes were just signed into law / the state budget this past spring in Annapolis and higher costs just to own a registered vehicle in Maryland were part of that budget package.  Delegate Wilkins, of course, enthusiastically supported it all.

Ah well, a few hundred million more in taxpayer funds for the state-run “non-profit” to take over the Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore (and the running of the Preakness Stakes by 2027, per reporting) is just the “price one pays for civilization” — right, County Exec Marc Elrich?

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