Anti-Hate Task Force Dehumanizes Straight Whites


A lot of CleanSlate supporters bemoan the progressives’ coercion, hypocrisy, and anger. In conversations with them, I always effuse optimism, saying the progressives’ bigotry will flame out, and America’s great, tolerant, centrist majority will prevail.

I’m not optimistic today.

Last June, Council Member Evan Glass sponsored a resolution to establish an anti-hate task force. We’ll pass judgment on the necessity or effectiveness of such a task force in another post. In the meantime, here are a few extracts from the resolution (you can read the entire resolution):

  • In 2022, 91% of incidents motivated by bias towards religion were considered anti-Jewish; 74% of incidents motivated by bias towards race were considered anti-Black and 12% were anti-Asian; and 40% of the incidents motivated by ethnicity bias were anti-Latino/Hispanic. Race and religion continue to be the primary bias motivators, followed by sexual orientation and gender bias.
  • The task force will prioritize policies that promote safety and combat hate crimes and incidents against BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, People of Color] constituents, and policies that combat racism, which can include hate against Black and African American, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Latino/Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, immigrant and LGBTQ+ individuals or other communities.
  • The task force consists of six cohorts…each cohort will focus on the unique experiences of the Black and African American, Latino/Hispanic, AAPI, LGBTQ+, Jewish or Muslim communities.

Yes, discrimination and violence against all the above groups is on the rise, and that is deplorable. In addition to all that, there has been an increase in discrimination against Caucasian-Americans.

  • A young white man told me about a job interview he had recently. The hiring manager said he was highly qualified, but the company has a policy of not hiring whites for the particular position.
  • Our many Caucasian federal employees living in the county have been complaining for years about discrimination in the federal workforce against whites in terms of hiring and promotions.
  • Depending on your echo chamber on social media, you can see plenty of posts and videos ridiculing whites.

Glass’s resolution doesn’t acknowledge discrimination against whites, which apparently comprise the county’s largest minority, and the task force has no mandate to explore the issue to determine to what extent it is a problem.

This task force will disband no later than November 28. (That day coincides with ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s appointment as head of the Baha’i faith—another group ignored in the anti-hate resolution). That day can’t come soon enough.

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