Community Profile:  Coach Ali Hashemzadeh


CleanSlateMoCo is conducting interviews of local community members.  These are people that though they do not hold office, are important voices in Montgomery County.  They represent the fabric of the county; individuals that might have had a unique experience, or maybe are involved in a unique activity, or maybe are just normal folks trying to build a life of happiness and fulfillment in this county.  Hope you enjoy.  If you know of someone that is willing to be interviewed, please drop us an email at or DM us on twitter at @CleanSlateMoCo

Community Profile:  Coach Ali Hashemzadeh

How long have you lived in Montgomery County?  Have you always lived here?  Do you have family that resides in the area? 

My family moved to Germantown in the early 80’s. And thankfully Germantown is where I grew up. I also spent time in the midwest post high school for a bit where I met my amazing wife Christina in Montana. But ultimately, we came back home to Germantown and we have been here ever since.

How did you become involved in coaching? 

The good old fashion way. A coach was needed for my daughter’s 3rd grade basketball team and so it began.

How long have you been a coach? 

I have been a coach now for over 20+ years in various capacities. I am currently the Youth Director for the Germantown Lady Panthers basketball club program as well as the head coach of the varsity girls basketball program at Seneca Valley High School.

In interacting with young people on a daily basis, what do you see in them that inspires you the most about their future? 

Their adaptability and positive energy. All of our kids come from different homes and have their own stories to tell. And they love to tell them when given the opportunity. Their ability to adapt and respond to situations both positive and negative is an amazing trait to have as they move into the next stage in their lives. Their energy is truly contagious.

What habit or mindset do you wish you could instill in every young person across Montgomery County? 

Never ever settle.

What is your fondest memory of being a coach? 

Not sure there is one single memory. As soon as you experience something special, another moment comes right along. And I think that is what I love about being a coach. Success looks different for every young person. For some it’s literally making it to practice that day, and for others it’s a scholarship earned. Both of which are celebrated in the same manner. Sometimes success comes quickly and other times it’s a bit of a journey. I am just very fortunate to be able to have a front row seat as a coach to be a part of it. I absolutely love being a coach. Especially in the same Germantown community that poured into me as a youth playing ball.

What lesson did you learn as a youth that has had the greatest impact on your life? 

I was very fortunate to have an amazing mom who simply did not put up with any nonsense from me growing up. I am very grateful for her. She made sure I was always where I needed to be and when I needed to be there. My dad set high standards for me and had to work for everything he ever got in life. My role models were and still are my parents. They have had the biggest impact on me by far. They created and maintained a very structured and loving home and still do so to this very day. This by far had the biggest impact on me as a youth and more so on me today as a father now to my children and husband to my wife. No matter what the day may bring, it is important that you show up every day and put forth your best effort. There were no other options. I also look back and learned a ton about being a disciplined student athlete from Coach Paul DeStefano while playing basketball for him at Seneca Valley High School. He was and still is flat out an outstanding coach. From our standard socks to our required behavior both on and off the court. Coach DeStefano made sure the tone was set and the team expectations were completeley understood. All of which I also now require of my basketball players at Seneca Valley High School. Down to the standard socks and shoes we wear. Nobody is bigger than the team. We are a family.

What are the biggest challenges facing the youth of today? 

Specifically for Germantown youth…I fear the normalization of such tragedies we have experienced as of late. When these shootings or acts of violence become somewhat “normal” in our Germantown community, it creates an environment of acceptance. And I certainly don’t speak or represent the youth of Germantown, but see enough and hear enough that it truly concerns me. As these incidents become normalized and somewhat justified (in their minds) in our youths’ approach to adversity and or in response to arguments it creates an ugly reality unfortunately. I feel it important to engage our youngest youth here in Germantown showing them other positive means of working out our differences and or arguments. While still proactively attempting to connect with our older youth and have them disengage in such activities. And I know we have amazing resources working around the clock here in Germantown doing these things. We as community members need to lean into these resources more and help where we can.

Do you have any recommendations on how we could address these challenges as individuals or as a community?

Continue to actively work with our youngest youth in Germantown. Engage, inform, and empower. We have great local organizations and schools doing just that too. Showing them that there are other means of communicating that do not include violence. Teach those that need it what is not being taught at home in some situations unfortunately.  I also strongly feel we need to hold parents/guardians accountable. If a parent is knowingly accepting of these violent acts or behaviors, they should 100% be held accountable for not reaching out for assistance, contacting authorities, and or simply approving of such activities. There are way too many resources available in Germantown and our surrounding communities to not reach out for help.

During the summer of 2022 you were working hard to kick start the idea of a new youth facility in Germantown.  Can you provide us an update on this? 

I really wish I had a positive update on this. I really do. We originally had a couple meetings with various stakeholders. Unfortunately I (we) were left with a lot of hurdles to overcome. And not anything out of the ordinary, just requirements, various regulations, and stipulations that were ultimately out of my wheelhouse. And then of course there is always funding. I still have the dream and hope someday, somehow, maybe we can stand up such a facility here in Germantown.

What makes you the happiest? 

My family both directly and extended via friendships. My girls are literally my world.

Do you feel that your voice is heard by today’s decision makers?

This is a tough one. Recently my frustrations have me taking the “squeaky wheel” approach in raising and voicing our concerns here in Germantown. Turning to social media to request updates, post comments, etc. I have no political affiliations in this game. I am on nobody’s side here. I speak only for myself. I simply want a safe and comfortable environment here in Germantown for all of us that do call it home. And I will continue to call out what I feel may need to be called out in an effort to spotlight some of our community concerns. Germantown is a great community full of amazing residents and I will continue to do whatever I can to keep it that way.

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