Wild Wild County


While watching the coverage of “progressive” agitator Kristin Mink’s latest racist blunder on twitter, I saw an encounter between an ally of Kristin’s, and a few members of the county that I thought would be worth a minute to cover because the language used is breathtaking, and the tactic she deployed needs to be understood even though Kristin probably doesn’t understand it herself, as she is a religious zealot on a mission.

As you might have known, Kristin Mink aligned religious Muslim parents (who don’t want public school teachers talking to their young children about sexuality and gender identity) with white supremacists the other day. Read that sentence again, she was clearly having a normal one. Now, to me, more shocking than her rhetoric, is that the very smart people (see: useful idiots) in the county are demanding an apology, not a resignation. When you ask someone like Kristin for an apology, what you’re asking them to do is to lie. People who demand apologies aren’t interested in changing the minds of the offensive person, they’re really just asking them to be dishonest and hide their bigotry. No serious person could possibly believe her views have changed, and there are plenty more people for her to align with white supremacists.  She MUST be removed from power, and until we demand this of the activist wing embedded in our county government, we are not a serious people. She’s not 7, and she didn’t playfully push her sibling into a swimming pool.

Onto her tactic. When a party has power, they use their radical fringe to anchor absurd ideas in front of the public, which done often enough, creates something called prevalence induced concept change. How often you are exposed to a thing, and how those in your environment judge a thing, will affect most individual’s judgement of that thing. This is called, “judgement creep.” There’s a book called, “Beautiful Trouble,” and in that book there’s a tactic that says, “use your radical fringe to shift the Overton window.” Generally, this tactic applies to ideas for public policy (see: defund the police). In Kristin’s case, it applies to what people with her worldview think is acceptable to say. So Kristin apologized, fine, but she’s enabled numerous other radicals, especially anonymous twitter accounts, to now repeat and defend her racist propaganda. The damage has been done, and anything but removal from power is insufficient. The behavior will happen again, and it’s a matter of time before she aligns Jews with white supremacists, you can bet me on that. If the response is, “apologize!” mixed with, “we know, we’re good antiracist ally’s working on dismantling our white privilege,” do not be remotely surprised.

Now to the twitter exchange. I saw this the other day, and almost put popcorn in the microwave. You are looking at the behavior of religious lunatics. All they know how to do is gaslight and project, so I’m going to interpret the language from the cult here.

The account Petty Pedagogue (pedagogue means philosopher of education…) says, “In public school there’s this pesky little principal called the separation of church and state, I’m afraid.”


Allow me to translate. “Our queer racist religion has taken over public schools and yours is not welcome. If you don’t want your kid indoctrinated into our CORRECT religion, pull them out.”  I’m not going to address the words of MsVeesGarden, as she is negotiating with the progressive cult is an exercise of futility.

We go on…

Here Petty Pedagogue says, “don’t use your religion to justify your hate and exclusion…religion is not a smoke screen for bigotry, if that’s gonna be a problem withdraw them..” What she’s saying is, “We will use our religion to justify hate and exclusion. Our religion is a smokescreen for our bigotry. If that’s gonna be a problem, withdraw your children and try to raise them somewhere we can’t groom them into our race, sex, and privilege obsessed cult.”

Then she moved onto her strangely binary ideas. If it’s not obvious, their binary is good and evil. Cause it’s a religion. Here’s what she’s saying. “Idea 1: All people should be queer. Idea 2: I’m aware that you don’t want us talking to your kids about sex, but my religion doesn’t allow me to not talk to your kids about sex, so I’m going to talk to your kids about sex.”

Again, the good Laura defending herself against a narcissistic maniac. If you know anything about narcissists, it’s that when they’re being abusive, you must ignore them.

We go on…


“The religious kids stomping on a pride flag at the demonstration the other day were visibly brainwashed,” she says.

I didn’t include this to interpret it, but to have you ask yourself if she’d call kids stomping on the US flag brainwashed? If you think Petty is some rogue anonymous troll, you’re a bigger part of the problem than these lunatics. The anonymous trolls are extremely useful, as they give you a view inside the… brain?.. of the Kristin Minks of the world. They say the things people like Mink think, and you should listen.

I would suggest reading a little bit on magic and alchemy. The Wikipedia pages will suffice. It’s not all about pulling rabbits from hats and turning lead into gold. It’s about creating something that is out of something that isn’t. Sterilized children, sexualized first graders, all white people are racist, men that give birth…. This is their magnum opus. The smears they use, “racist, bigot, everythingphobe, white supremacist, misogynist, anti vaxxer,” are their magic words to manifest their desired reality.

So here’s my advice, if anyone ever calls you one of these words, smile, take off your hat, make a dramatic hand gesture, yell, “abracadabra,” then laugh hysterically in their face.

To negotiate with these people is to give them power. It’s time to point and laugh.


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