Progress over Politics

For too long our elected officials have neglected the people of this county in favor of the power of politics.

It is time for your voice to matter

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With Stewart, Ortman-Fouse, and Mink, it’s about control; With Diaz, it’s about compassion

Photojournalism is an amazing feature of the modern age. Starting with the Civil War, American photojournalists have been capturing events militar…

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Lynn Harris wants to bus kids away from local schools

The elephant in the room that has not been discussed this Board of Education election season is MCPS upcoming mega boundary study. Starting in Jan…

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We Finally Have a Draft of the Urban Institute’s “Evaluation” of MoCo Boost (Guaranteed Income Pilot)

We finally have something of a detailed evaluation, by a left-leaning think tank called the Urban Institute, of MoCo’s “Boost” G…

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Tolerance at the Dating Sites

A thirty-something I know, call her Anna, has what is arguably the worst job in the entire internet industry: she investigates complaints from sub…

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What Kind of Politicians Are We Raising: Op-Ed

“Dad, even though we believe different things, it’s ok, we still play soccer together.” With two young boys, my dinner table offers up plenty of o…

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MoCo’s Triple A Ratings: Part 2—Civility

The following is an elaboration, exaggeration, and embellishment of a true encounter. About a week ago a very strange, unusual creature knocked on…

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MoCo’s Triple A Ratings: Part 1—Municipal Bonds

While working at an engineering firm, I had to endure yet another annual review. “Bell,” said the manager. “You’ve come to work every day, and you…

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Students for Justice in Palestine & the University of Maryland

Photo credit to The Diamondback.  On July 31st the University of Maryland Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) group reserved the entire McKeld…

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Do you have evidence?

Maybe you received an email from your school. Or a communication from the County. Maybe you captured a video or photo on your phone. Send it our way and we will publicize it.

Will Jawando Series

A growing series on the controversial dealings of Will Jawando

Housing Series

A growing series on the politicalization of housing in MoCo

Twitter Series

A growing series on violations of your constitutional rights

Seeds of Stagnation

A growing series on Marc Elrich’s Seeds of Stagnation in MoCo

MoCo Origins

A growing series on the influences that shaped MoCo

MoCo Green Bank

A growing series on the Montgomery County Green Bank

Alcohol Monopoly

A growing series on alcohol monopoly in MoCo